Friday, January 15, 2010


If Iwere temporarily all-powerful and could instantly fix/eliminate but one major problem in this modern world wrrrrrrrrought ('Why all the extra r's?' I feel the word "wrought" packs a bit more of a punch if it sounds like you're grumbling when you say it, or if you trill the r's like in Spanish. Try it, you'll see) with impending global catastrophe in which we all live, it would not be world hunger, it would not be homelessness/poverty, it would not be crime, it would not be racism/prejudice/stereotyping, it would not be the sickening lack of Vince Lombardi trophies in Philadelphia, it wouldn't be drug addiction, it wouldn't terrorism, it wouldn't be general ignorance, it wouldn't even be the Jonas Brothers. No no, instead, I'd devote my attention to a much more irritating and unacceptable concern...

... Don't you hate it when you try to fill up your gas tank and the little latch that allows you to lock the pump handle in place is broken, thereby crushing your wish to either sit in the car while the gas pumps because it's cold outside or go inside the station itself to buy a cup of coffee and a scratch-off instant lottery game? Isn't having to stand there and manually squeeze the pump routinely the worst minute to minute-and-a-half of your day? You know it is, don't lie. The only thing that even comes close if when the latch is not broken, you set it all up, you go inside and buy your coffee and lotto ticket figuring that by the time you return to your car you will have a full tank of gas, then you find that for some reason, the gas stopped pumping about three seconds after you left it. That sucks a fat one as well. But still, you can always just set it up again, then sit in the nice warm car with your nice hot (or iced) coffee, so this situation doesn't make my blood boil quite as much as the goddamn broken latch - by far Earth's most pressing concern. In fact, this pisses me off so much that whenever I come across it, I feel more than just mildly compelled to spray down the whole station with gasoline and drop a lit match on it. The only reason I don't is because I don't want to lose the attached Dunkin' Donuts or A-Plus or Hess Express or whatever it is attached to it that gives me my huge french vanilla coffee. That's reasonable, right? ('Jackass, if you DID drop that lit match, you'd end up killing yourself too, did you ever think of that?' Nah-ah, cuz I'd do it drive-by style like black people like to do in movies and by movies I mean real life.... So there.).


From "Me, Myself, and Irene":

Hank: "So what's your tale, mother goose? Where ya from?"
Irene: "Oh, all over really."
Hank: "Mmmm - omnipresence. I like that in a woman."


Ya know what's funny? - the fact that birth control pills come in a package shaped like a clam. That's just....I don't know, that's just funny to me.


Taking two words - typically an adjective and the noun it's describing - and making them into one bigger, often funnier word has become a preferred custom of mine over the past few years. I do it a lot...Like, a lot alot. It's a fun game. And I thought that it would make a fun, quick little blog item earlier today when I was talking to my special lady friend. At one point during the conversation, she let loose a laugh that was very high-pitched and also sounded kinda retarded, ya know, like a retard. So naturally, I looked at her and said, "You sound like a three year old retard.... Wait....Yup, you're a threetard." We then laughed again, but this time, thankfully, we both sounded like like normal adults.


As if Luke Wilson wasn't lame enough already - 'The rest of the cast of Old School is making funny movies, but I'm gonna make cell phone commercials!' - I can't sit down to watch tv anymore without having to endure him and his goofy square jaw and the rest of his I-look-like-a-middle-aged-and-stupider-looking-Zach-Braff face blab on and on about the wonders of having the world's largest 3G network at his disposal. Let me ask everyone something...

...What the fuck does "3G" even mean? Huh? What does that do for me exactly? I want some fucking explanations. I realize that it's an established (and apparently successful) marketing technique to throw a vague, poorly explained quality/feature of a given product into said product's commercials and imply that said quality/feature is what makes said product superior and/or needed ('You said 'said' too much just now.' Yeah, I know). I understand that this method probably works because the majority of humanity will listen to what they hear and believe what they're told because they're sheep (By the way, I will write a book, it will be called "People are Sheep".... and you will buy it.... Baaaaa.), but that's not enough for me this time. In past instances I haven't really given a shit - I don't care what chemical it is in 'Lectric Shave' that makes the hairs on my face stand up or why the fact that Denorex tingles while Head and Shoulders does not means that Denorex works better - but I've been so indundated with advertising of 3G networks and such that I just can't handle it anymore. Somebody fucking tell me. Now.

But ya know the only thing that pisses me off more than this? - the fact that one of the cell phone companies (I don't remember which) - is now hawking the nation's first 4G network!... And all I can think is - is it really that simple? Is that what all the middle-aged executives talk about when they're sitting around the large oak conference room table with the speakerphone that looks like like a spiderweb in the middle? I bet it is. It's amazing that people like that who probably make millions earn their riches (clearly I'm using the term "earn" loosely) by conducting a meeting that most likely goes like this:

Douchebag Exec A: "Alright, here's the dilemma. AT&T has gotten Zach Braff to advertise the hell out of their 3G network coverage. I need ideas.

Douchebag Exec B: "Actually that's Luke Wilson."

Douchebag A: "Whatever....Thoughts?"

(5 minutes of silence)

Douchebag Exec C: "...I got it! They're saying that their 3G network is best. Why don't we... and I know this sounds crazy, but follow me here... say that we have a FOUR G network?!?! (Sticking his arms out, moving fingers on both hands back and forth in a wafting motion as if to say 'Come here.') Ehh? Eeehhh? Not bad, right?"

Douchebag A: "Genius! Done! I want commercials to air tomorrow, and next week, let's figure out what we're going to tell people 4G could actually mean."

Yeah, that's probably how all those meetings go down. The DirecTV commercials also did a great job of parodying this phenomenon. You know those commercials - "But we don't broadcast in a million 80p, do we?..." Those commercials. I actually used to sit in on meetings just like this -complete with the huge table, comfy chairs, and fantastic views of the city -during my time at a certain science museum in Philadelphia, so I can legitimately attest to the overwhelmingly and comically superficial intelligence of these meetings. Nothing of note is ever actually said or done. It's hilarious.

But still, seriously, someone fucking tell me what 3G is and what it does.


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